Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hitler Versi French

Ingat Brigitte Bardot lagi? Sex symbol zaman 70-an yang berasal dari France.

Ingat lagi aku pernah tanya, di mana garisan antara political correctness dan having an opinion? I guess I’ve found my answer. PC adalah bila pendapat kamu tak ada unsur-unsur racist atau xenophobia.

Berbalik kepada Bardot. Apparently, Bardot telah didakwa untuk kali kelima untuk statement kontroversialnya yang mengkritik Islam dan pengikutnya.

Bardot today.

So what’s new right? Ignorant, foolish, racist and anti-(insert religion here) comments are made everyday. Now here is the interesting part. Selain dari mengutuk Islam, Brigette juga telah membuat pernyataan berikut di dalam bukunya tentang golongan homoseksual, ahli politik, seni moden dan imigran -

The book, called A Cry in the Silence, also condemns gays, modern art, politicians and immigrants, saying they have destroyed French culture.

But the 68-year-old actress-turned-animal rights activist - who has three convictions for inciting racial hatred in previous works - reserves special anger for Muslim culture and the ritual of animal sacrifice during the festival of Eid al-Kabir in particular.

"I am against the Islamisation of France. For centuries our forefathers...our fathers gave their lives to chase all successive invaders from France," she writes.

Ms Bardot also praised French far right politician Jean-Marie le Pen for his views, condemned modern gays who "moan about what those ghastly heteros put them through", and said that even French prostitutes were not the same in modern France.

"Our lovely, kind street-walkers have been replaced by girls from the east, Nigerians, travellers, transsexuals, drag-queens, bearers of Aids and other friendly gifts," she writes.

"Having a risk-free go is becoming a real exploit."

Lovely, kind street-walkers. Snigger. Maaf, aku tak bermaksud nak judgmental. Perkataan ‘lovely’ aku boleh handle. ‘Kind’ aku rasa lucu.

Aku rasa aku tak perlu komen lebih-lebih tentang konsep penyembelihan- penyembelihan dengan pisau tajam di urat merih adalah cara yang paling cepat dan painless untuk seekor haiwan mati.

Juga hipokritikal. We don’t have the time or means to stun every single animal before we slaughter them. On the other hand, berjuta-juta burger dibuang ke dalam tong sampah kerana dijual ke outlet burger yang tak laku. Dan tidak lupa, para anorexics yang membeli burger atau daging kemudian makan 1/8 saja. Those poor cows and chickens that got sacrificed in vain.

Dan bagi mereka yang merasa haiwan kurang suffer apabila mati akibat kejutan elektrik, do you think they die instantaneously? Kamu tahu kenapa kita letak span basah atas kepala orang yang dihukum mati dengan kerusi elektrik? Sebab kalau tak otak dia akan hangus. So these chickens yang kena electrocute, they do not die a quick death.

Back to the topic. Memandangkan Bardot telah menghina Islam, golongan homoseksual, Asians, Nigerians and who knows what else, kamu pikir mestilah tak ada siapa akan sokong dia kan? Salah.

Apparently ramai rakyat Amerika Syarikat menyokongnya dengan alasan ini haknya untuk bebas bersuara. Of course mereka menyokongnya semata-mata kerana membaca tentang dakwaan dia yang terakhir, iaitu kerana mengutuk Islam. Mereka juga menyatakan pendapat mereka bahawa mereka takut US akan didominasi oleh ‘Islamists’ suatu hari nanti, yada yada yada, insert other conspiracy theories here.

Apa yang ironi adalah mereka telah mengapi-apikan orang lain untuk takut kepada Islam (because apparently we’re going to force you to convert, wear burqas - mimpi ngeri setiap wanita Mat Salleh, cut off people’s heads and blow yourselves up), tanpa menyedari Bardot pernah didakwa 4 kali sebelum ini disebabkan pernyataan berbaur perkauman.

Which brings me to my point – Orang semakin bodoh, kan?

Mereka menyokong sesuatu perkara tanpa menyedari apa yang mereka sedang sokong. Kamu rasa kalau mereka tahu Bardot menganggap sesiapa yang bukan French di negaranya sebagai ‘invaders’, mereka sokong dia tak?


Anonymous said...

Btw, in relevance to House s4e16, I cried buckets from min35 onwards to. Are you sure you weren't referring to ep16? (You mentioned 15-House's Head)It' not just us. review showed almost everyone who loathed Cutthroat Bitch in the beginning loved her by the end. Love and hate how the writers are so good at manipulating character development. As much I pitied Wilson (his sobbing during the bypass scene was a great tearjerker), I pitied that misanthrope House more. Ppl think he risked his life for his best friend, but I think it was for someone he loved deeply but knew he couldn't have, and maybe he figured he does owe his best friend his skull too after all the shit he's put Wilson through. Hate these kind of season finales though.

ledisordre said...

entry ni best gila sampai aku tak rasa nak tokok tambah langsung. what? u insist? okay, okay.

entry ni reminds me of an article i read a few years ago. nasib baik ada lagi. article bertajuk Burka Vs Bikini - The Debauchery Of American Womanhood by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

sedikit sedutan:

'The Muslim woman's focus is her home, the "nest" where her children are born and reared. She is the "home" maker, the taproot that sustains the spiritual life of the family, nurturing and training her children, providing refuge and support to her husband.

In contrast, the bikinied American beauty queen struts practically naked in front of millions on TV. A feminist, she belongs to herself. In practice, paradoxically, she is public property. She belongs to no one and everyone. She shops her body to the highest bidder. She is auctioning herself all of the time.'

salah satu mitos barat tentang islam ialah dalam islam, wanita adalah hakmilik, property. how ironic.

maka perlulah usaha besar-besaran untuk membebaskan wanita2 muslim dari diskriminasi gender di mana wanita diletakkan di taraf yang begitu rendah iaitu sekadar menjadi seorang isteri kepada lelaki yang dicintainya dan melahirkan anak dan mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk keluarganya dan membangunkan generasi manusia seterusnya, sedangkan bukan itu yang dimahukan setiap wanita, tiada wanita yang mahu sebegitu, bukan?

matlamatnya ialah membebaskan wanita dan menaikkan martabatnya menjadi seorang yang bebas tidur dengan siapa-siapa, yang identitinya bergantung kepada iklan-iklan dan produk semasa, yang menghabiskan tempoh suburnya untuk mengejar material dan bersama lelaki untuk kepuasan seksual semata, kerana bukankah itu yang dimahukan oleh setiap wanita?

eh, gila panjang. sorry i got carried away, hehe. nak tulis panjang2 tulis kat blog sendiri la wey!

Anonymous said...

minyak naik lah. cite pasal bardot lak..


NeemoNeemo™ said...

Span basah.

Reminds me of The Green Mile.

magenta said...

Youknowwho: Yupe I was talking abt s04e15 sebab I thought Amber dah mati dalam ep tu. Ep 16 was sad too, but a different kinda sad.

Ledisordre: Heheh thanks. :)

LOL thanks for the snippet. Nice. Orang selalu contradict diri sendiri kan. Haha takpe I suka je baca long comments. Rasa macam blogging is a 2 sided conversation then.

Pakali: Aku tak dok Malaysia. Bu-wek. :p

Neem: Yupe. Tengok jugak cerita tu dulu.