A comment I received on my previous post:
Aku risau. Bukan risau kerana takut ada pembaca yang benar-benar percaya aku seorang surirumah yang tak ada sex life dan kantoi SPM.
Tapi aku risau memikirkan beginikah mentaliti seorang pelajar perubatan yang diberi biasiswa untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke luar negara?
Beginikah mentaliti seorang individu yang telah cemerlang dalam SPM? Yang telah skor dalam subjek-subjek Sains yang dianggap ‘kompleks’ tetapi tidak bertamadun apabila berinteraksi dengan orang lain? What does that say about our education system? Should we include ethics in our list of compulsory subjects too?
Aku risau kerana kerajaan menanggung perbelanjaan berjuta-juta (atau beratus ribu? Aku tak pasti) ringgit untuk menghantar dia ke luar negara dan menimba ilmu. Beginikah bakal-bakal doctor negara kita?
Aku tidak mahu dirawat oleh doktor macam ini. Aku tak akan hantar ahli keluarga atau saudara-mara ke hospital yang hire doktor-doktor sebegini.
Aku mahu optimistik. Tapi aku sudah jumpa ramai pelajar perubatan yang ditaja oleh kerajaan yang bongkak dan memandang rendah ke orang lain seperti ini. Kalau bukan sebab dua orang kawan rapat aku adalah pelajar perubatan, sudah lama aku membuat generalisasi bahawa semua pelajar medik adalah assholes.
Seorang pembaca aku point out bahawa Aleyssa tulis bahawa dia tidak dapat pergi ke ‘overc’. Ya, mungkin sebab itu dia bitter. Atau mungkin dia terlalu tergesa-gesa ketika menulis komen sehingga tidak sedar dia telah membuat pelbagai kesilapan grammar dan spelling.
Aleyssa, I sure hope they don’t teach you to spell like that in medic school. When you finally grow up, you’ll realize that no one ever asks about your SPM results when they first get to know you or when they want to hire you in a hospital. Your patients won’t be asking how many As you got for your SPM when you’re checking for their heartbeats. In fact, the only privilege you’ll ever get then from achieving good results for SPM is having brag about it in my comment section.
Strangers who bump into you on the streets aren’t going to treat you differently just because you got 1000 A1s for your SPM. In fact, when you’re out there, nobody gives a damn about how smart, how talented or what a genius you are. Because all of us don’t walk around with our jobs, our salary or our exam results stamped on our foreheads.
Have fun discovering life.
LOL. igt pegi oversea tu bagus ke? Memg la bagus. Sebulan dapt 900 euro pastu keliling dunia time blaja. best2. Tapi nnti balik Msia gaji same je ngan yang grad kat local U. tak sampai pun 900 euro kebanyakn nya. ada yang bernasib baik dapt la. tapi kebykan nya tak dapt.
there's this graduate from US trying to converse in English but sounds so FAKE with the accent she's trying to make. Because there's this Kelantan or this Terengganu slang in it. Imagine US accent campur Terengganu/Kelantan slang. Cakap je la mcm org biasa. Ke mereka ini adalah org luar biasa.
Too many assholes in the net.
Please...only retards scream accusations and fight over the internet.
Sorry to see your blog got infested with tards.Retards that got sponsored by the government nonetheless.Pity.
saya DAPAT pegi overc...saya sekarang berada di UK...kalau awak pandai sangat mesti awak dah dapat tangkap maksud saya walaupun saya tersilap tulis...memang tepat tekaan saya...awak ni memang cetek akal...
awak nie dah memang melampau...mengaibkan orang di blog pula...tak dapat menerima bila ada orang bercanggah pendapat...sama dengan pembaca awak yang lain...hanya pandai mencari kesalahan orang lain sahaja...tak payahla awak perasan betul sebab ada orang yang mengiyakan awak...memang mereka akan setuju dengan awak meskipun awak suruh diorang terjun...dah dasar akal cetek...macam awak jugak...
saya tak perlukan nasihat daripada awak...saya berdoa kepada tuhan saya tak akan jadi macam awak...BODOH sombong...
ouch..bitternya!! I think she seriously need some sex to wash away the bitterness!! LOL....and yes..she haven't yet discovered life...
it's all karma, or newton's third law, whichever you prefer.
you came here and started throwing baseless accusations around, how do you think people are gonna respond to that?
if you have a valid point, next time, try voicing it out properly, with manners.
are we not all gentlemen (and ladies) here?
she lives in the uk but still believes in the BN crap of blogger-is-housewife yada yada....The gov must b so proud now.
PGL: Hahaha tergelak imagine accent macamtu.
Yeah tu lah. Bukan nak kutuk students study overseas; I was one of them. Tapi, rugi kalau drg tak blaja pape from their experiences kat sana.
hussein: I'm filled with dread just thinking about how many other assholes are sponsored by the government. Isn't there some sort of filtration system to tapis them out?
aleyssa: Seriously all I read is bla, bla, bla. Don't they teach you when to shut up in med school?
My readers didn't defend me for the sake of agreeing with me. They criticized you because you were talking poppycock. When you finally decide to grow up and take my advice, you'll realize that there are people around you who will earn more than you do in a month after you've graduated from your med school, even though they never graduated from Sekolah Menengah.
undomesticwifey: Haha she reminds me of the saying 'the pot calling the kettle black', even though they make silver pots and kettles nowadays.
47: I'm thinking about your method for drivers who are a danger to themseleves and others on the road. Maybe we should implement that rule for pompous asses who throw baseless accusations as well.
anon: Brainwashed maybe? Hmmm.
Aku...sokong...aleyssa. Dier..pandai..blajar..overc...jadik...doktor.
Hahahahaha. Pundek.
magenta, i think akab is joking. you don't need to call him names.
Anonymous: I know that. So was I. Haven't you ever called your siblings 'Babi' out of affection?
Can't I write anything nowadays without having to sound politically correct all the time? Sheesh.
All these poppycock is making me hungry.
Pundeks... are... kewl. I...lurve pundeks...
Dah, dah. Aku sibuk. Nak pergi Red Films. Mana tau ada Fazura. Aku dah kerat bulu hidung.
"awak nie dah memang melampau...mengaibkan orang di blog pula..."
Seriously aleyssa, who started? Man, you must be loving all these attention eih? Ye la, kat UK, mungkin tak ade orang nak share problem dgn awak eh? Sbb tu kluar kan frustration awak kat sini, ye tak? Man, the good impression i ada towards all these sponsored so called medic students dah start to crack la.. :P
And yes, going to overc aint that cool... *Thinking of another Sufiah(ahem, UK anyone? :P:P)*
wow. it's not enthusiast term of wow but it's more like 'that ain't right' kinda wow.
u should know the rest of what it means by that 'wow'.
"Anonymous: I know that. So was I. Haven't you ever called your siblings 'Babi' out of affection?"
haha. 'bodoh' pun tak boleh, apatah lagi Menatang Haram itu.
Aleyssa tu mat saleh celup kot. Makin cockypop jadinye.
Kita tengok berapa lama dia bertahan di sini(blog) dan di sana(real medicated world).
Should we include ethics in our list of compulsory subjects too?
GOD no. We have one of those already, remember? P.Moral is still hands down the most ridiculous subject imposed on us ever. Unless... takde during your time. Good lord how old are you wei Magenta??? :P
I kid, I kid. Better clarify, what with the flers with brooms up their asses hanging around a space that clearly offends them. Wonder why they do it. Wonder if they're really the ones who're jobless. And fuck no I don't think being a housewife counts as jobless. Our mothers work their asses off to take care of the household and raise us up to be decent human beings. Maybe people who give negative connotations to housewives weren't brought up by caring/responsible mothers, poor shmucks. ;)
Oh yeah, it's called kurang ajar. There ya go, doc, another Malay figure of speech you seem to epitomise. :)
wahahahah!! Sungguh kelakar lah!
Apakah semua blog sekarang diserang oleh manusia2 retards yang tak ada adab sopan? Bila kita depfend diri kita balik, pandai pulak dia nak cakap kita tak boleh menerima orang yang bercanggah pendapat dengan dia. But what were they doing here, throwing accusations in the first place?
Cacat akal.
hahahahahaha. anonymous tu so naive.
anyway aleyssa, sepandai-pandai mana pon kau belajar, ko buat medic kat North Pole ke, every sem ko dpt 4.5flat ke ape ke, org tetap akan judge kau dari ur manners so cakap baik2 sikit la. takpayah nak serang2 magenta dgn just reading one post. bagi aku, kebanyakan post dia useful and interesting so sebab tu aku defend dia.
kalau kau x suka dia, kenapa singgah lg blog ni? sanggup plak kau buang masa kau sbg student medic (from my friends' experiences in the UK/Ireland, life as a medic student deprives you from having that much of a free time), dengan menaip komen yg kau sendiri tahu akan menimbulkan kontroversi.
or maybe kau tak tahu.
that is how different cyberworld and real life is...some are so sensitive over matters....i think that's why encik kamal only make fun around friends....so that no drama will ever resort to mess by non friends
alyssa...u as a person suck....not medic student,not govern. scholar...have a friend that will call you "ek eleh..babi!"
see..i like you...and i dont believe you either
ek eleh!
adik aku juge top score dkt USM kelantan...medic juge..x stadi ober c pon..kalo die baca ko punye blog pon dia bersetuju dgn ape yang ko ckp magenta..truskan blog anda..aku sgt suka..:)
AKAB: Aku pun sibuk dengan kehidupanku sebagai surirumah gersang. Nak kena kupas banyak bawang ni. (Kepada anonymous, I'm only half joking)
chen: I'm OLD. Like 'I-used-to-gang-bang-with-the-Flinstones' and 'I-DJ'd-at-the-Boston-Tea-Party' kinda old.
I jest, I jest. Yeah, I remember P. Moral in school. A bunch load of crap. I remember watching my friends cramming for their Moral exams with useless nilai2 murni or smtg like that. I was thinking of a different kind of ethics class.
takahara: Hehe. My parents memang tak kasi guna perkataan macamtu, tapi my siblings and I have always been.. tak tau perkataan apa yang sesuai. Bukan kasar, cuma maybe ada humor yang twisted sedikit yang susah difahami oleh orang luar.
Hah!, Zafwan and erm: I tend to avoid people like her in real life like I'd avoid rape. Can't be bothered with them. Tapi bila pikir she's being sponsored to travel around the world and beli so-called designer brand clothing with my parents' tax money, it bothers me.
dayana: Wahaha just read your latest entry. Where are all these morons coming from?
zureen: Mungkin dia attention whore? Hmm. Hope she's not really a med student. Although her IP shows that she's from UK. Sigh.
haha. entah lah. maybe from a world called BOREDOM.
'Tapi bila pikir she's being sponsored to travel around the world and beli so-called designer brand clothing with my parents' tax money, it bothers me.'
Nailed it.
Wei, pulang balik duit mak bapak kitorang! buang mase je ko dok sane wei!
mungkin aleyssa adalah sufiah. siapa tahuuuuuu
Anonymous - I think sufiyah cakap english je kot..but siapa tahuuu...haha
Btw, apa salahnya jadi suri rumah. Tak hina pekerjaan tu. It's even more complex than being a medical student. Suri rumah kena ada ilmu matematik (household finances, budgeting), medic (pediatrics, emergency aid, psychology (dealing with husband, different children and temperaments) and chemistry (needed in baking, cooking, storing, treating different laundry stains).(Tapi ini tak apply kepada mak datin yg kasi org gaji buat kerja la).
Most of us specialise in something because of our jobs..tapi suri rumah esp mothers kena be jill all of trades. Jadi jangan hina suri rumah..they are more mulia and berjasa than many of us.
overc..takde spell check ke comment box ini?
kenapa itu aleyssa sangat bitter?
"saya tak perlukan nasihat daripada awak...saya berdoa kepada tuhan saya tak akan jadi macam awak...BODOH sombong..."
look who's talking. who's the BODOH sombong now?
btw, magenta wasn't advising people to not study hard or go overseas, she was merely stating the fact that yes, spm is not a matter of life and death and studying overseas is not as romantic as it sounds.
plus, being a med student is quite overrated anyways. don't think just because you "buat medik" means you're all that.
Aleyssa gives a very good lesson in blogging. Do not over generalise. SPM tak penting?
Salah atau betul?
Pergi overc bukan glamour? Hey glamour la sampai beratus ribu orang nakkan peluang tu.
Jadi doctor hal kecil? Suddenly mereka semua boleh jadi medic...
Just becuz UMNO has sent you over suddenly it is a small matter. Tu yang Mahathir kata Melayu mudah lupe. Jgn generalised. Kalau UMNO tak buat polisi tu tak ramai anak orang Melayu yg akan di hantar ke over c. Dari Nizar MB PAS Perak tu sampai sekarang. Do u think DAP will sent you?
Most assholes reading the blog are sponsored by the government!!
A lucky few whose parents kaya sikit bolehla pergi sendiri. Tapi they really save so that anak diaorang bleh pergi overc. Thats how glamour overc is.
To Aleyssa, keep on your indeendent spirit. Memang betul badut di siber ni akan mengiyakan bloggers yg mereka kenal lama walaupun tulis rubbish dan mencarut dan melucah macam sundal mat salleh...
For all you know adek anonymous di atas tu lebih teruk dari Sufiah. Ini la jenis manusia yg fikir diri mereka baik tapi mentertawakan orang lain.
Tuhan sendiri melarang kerana orang yg diketawakan itu mungklin lebih mulia.
"mungkin aleyssa adalah sufiah. siapa tahuuuuuu"
Haha! ROFL! This comment made my day! LOL! But..Eh, Sufiah kan mathematics..Not medic kan.. :P Tapi, mungkin juga,nyah!-Buat hand signal mak nyah-
Okay ignore my previous comment. Was drunk.
Am still drunk, fyi.
Guess what, you people are Lucah. You should be flattered.
I am. Yay.
aku mewakili surirumah terdesak gersang juga risau tentang persepsi terhadap kami.
emmm alahai, aleyssa.
nasib baik aku tak kenal. kalau aku kenal kena sekeh sebijik.
Its really difficult to pretend not to get irritated by this woman.I know lots of UK medic students and i really doubt she is one of them. Her bitter comments just show the kind of mentality that you'd rarely see among medic students in the UK. Very surprising.
I'd rather go to a bomoh than have my illness cured by a doctor with no sense of integrity or respect for others. Macam mana agaknya dia pass interview scholarship hari tu dengan perangai macam ni. Herm, maybe JPA,MARA dengan Petronas kena tambah another set of Q&A on morality and politeness.
jannatunnaem: Thanks. :)
anonymous: Hahahaha.
bovril: Yupe. Most people I know can't even figure out how much salt to put in a curry. Apa lagi sew guna mesin jahit.
hussein: Ada, tapi spelling like this -'overc' kan lagi glamour dan kewl. Haha.
risingcloud: Yeah some people tend to putar belit what I write. Maybe she's just searching for a reason to hentam me. Maybe I offended her in one of my previous posts. Siapa tahuuuuu
anonymouse: Just because I don't brag about my accomplishments on my blog or my comment section, doesn't mean I can't advise people on how to avoid the same mistakes I did.
Please try to keep this comment section free from words like UMNO, PAS and DAP. This is not an entry about PRU12. And what the hell is 'indeendent' spirit anyway?
Go find a cure for AIDS. Lagi bagus dari baca blog yang ditulis oleh 'badut siber yang tulis rubbish, mencarut dan melucah macam sundal mat salleh', kan?
AKAB: You are their perverse pleasure. You should be flattered. And I don't think calling someone pundek once would qualify as being Lucah.
desperate housewife: Aku suka surirumah. Nanti aku tulis post untuk surirumah.
idlan: Sekeh manja ke? Hehe.
peter panties: With a nick like that, it's hard not to take a peek at your blog. Yupe, I find it hard to believe she's a med student in UK.
fiza: Haha that's the thing. They never ask questions yang berkaitan dengan politeness and morality masa interview. More like, "Bagaimana nak majukan lagi tourism dalam negara kita?"
"Aku suka surirumah. Nanti aku tulis post untuk surirumah" Make sure it is a nice one. :-)
and that anynomouse, I prefer to call him encik TIKUS, is one of the KJ. Dia tertinggal keretapi!! Politics is so lameee nowadays occay!!
eh, idlan pun ada kat sini. haha.
tahniah aleyssa dapat stadi kat UK. saya harap aleyssa ambil peluang untuk meluaskan minda dan tidak hanya bergaul dengan orang melayu sahaja. banyak yang boleh dipelajari daripada orang british, contohnya politeness. ambil yang positif sahaja, janganlah ambil perkara-perkara negatif seperti binge drinking, atau pun menyokong BNP (if they have their way, life would be much tougher for we brown arses, sweetheart).
idlan, aku settle benda alah ni nanti, aku belanja kau udang £8 kat malaysia hall (my eyes nearly rolled out when i saw the price).
undomesticwifey: Done! Hehe.
nurul: Jap. Nak check out Idlan's blog first.
Whoa. Co-writer dengan Dina Zaman dekat blog I Am Muslim? That means..at least 10 smart people pernah lawat my blog! This really makes my day.
I feel like an idiot now. I'm sorry Idlan, when I balas your comment, I thought you were a guy. Hence the 'sekeh manja'.
Great advice Nurul! I wish I could be as patient, but clearly I can't. Which just proves I'm still immature.
Udang 8 pound? *kerut dahi* Berapa kati nih?
by the way,
bukan semua sponsored students bermentaliti seperti aleysa tu ya?
dlm interview, mereka selalu bertanyakan tentang knowledge. and the level of confidence in urself. how you talk, how you answer the question (democratic, with respect, or maybe just bantah, seperti kuku besi). mereka tidak tahu attitude pelajar di luar bilik interview itu, dgn siapa mereka bergaul. mereka tidak boleh meneka mentaliti pelajar dlm interview pendek 15mins. it takes more than that, readers!
i can say that a good student mix and mingle around with different types of people. from yg nerdy gila to org yg ermmm, nakal/jahat (i do not know the term yg sopan). pelajar yg hebat tidak akan terpengaruh dgn peer pressure yg ermmm nakal/jahat. itu sumua sebagai exposure kepada mereka. to get to know the pic. if u know what i mean.
but i can say, 75% sponsored students bermentaliti mcm aleysa tu. how disgusting. how annoying.
Mengapa semua org kene emo? Relax la. Tak luke berdarah pun. Tapi pepatah ade mengatakan kata lebih tajam dari pisau...or something like that. hmm tapi tak darah betul2 kan. We let them talk. Budak2 seberang laut ni bukan ke lebih tak emo dan lebih keterbukaan atau mereka berpegang kepada pepatah...don't be too open minded your brain might fall off.
Idlan was like a legend during "my time" :P
I think she still is :P
Uih. Apa legend. Mana ada.
Haha no worries Magenta, aku memang sekeh manja mula mula. Lepas tu kita lihat bagaimana. Mungkin kena extra sekeh, kurang manja :D
Udang amenda £8 wahai cik Nurul? Baik datang teratak aku, aku buat sambal udang tak sampai £3 kos.
tiga darab enam perpuluhan enam tujuh...
nasib baik saya tak makan udang.
haha, tetamu tak diundang tumpang sekaki.
"Hmmmm seems one can’t say anything sexual nowadays without some one feeling it is being politically incorrect."...lastword
"Can't I write anything nowadays without having to sound politically correct all the time? Sheesh."...magenta
Susahkan...to be pc selalu..
Bajet power la pegi overC tu..
best sgt ke belajar kat oversea tu? SPM saya, kantoi. No A's but luckily no paper failed. sambung Dip kat kolej buruk je tapi syukur ada kerja dgn gaji yang lebih tinggi dari lepasan ijazah.
kawan saya, ada A dalam SPM dan berlagak mahu masuk U..tak pandang sebelah mata pada kolej. tapi kini, menganggur menghabiskan duit mak bapak dan juga teman lelaki.
abaikan orang gila macam tu.
Semoga aleyssa disembur tahi sewaktu menjalankan colonoscopy terhadap patient beliau untuk pengajaran terhadap komen tidak sensitif beliau.
Semoga pelajar-pelajar tajaan JPA kembali berpijak di tanah bahawa korang pergi sana adalah untuk belajar, dan sedikit sebanyak dari 900 euro yang kamu dapat itu adalah duit cukai pendapatan saya. Bukan untuk visit blog kemudian menyerang author.
Semoga magenta menjadi MILF.
MILF? Hahahahahaha!
aleyssa: kau sgt jipang.lolx
sy rase spt kenal nick aleyssa ituh. da lame juge sy knal nick ituh since abes spm kot..n sy rase sy pnah argue same kamuh cik aleyssa bout study kt oversea thu sume ...kamuh spt sunggoh bangge dpt scholarship pegi oversea n wat medic.. tp kamuh kne la igt juge, kamuh baru pegi dan sedang belajar, belum grad lg pon, n x semestinye kamuh pegi, kamuh akan blk dgn jayenye, jd jgnla berbangge diri secare berlebihan..tuhan tarek kang..
medic? engineering? architecture? designer? cikgu? sama aja...xkemane pn kalo stakat nak bermegah2 blaja oversea amek medic,
sume pn ade keistimewaan masing2 bkn?
haish...ini perkare yg sgt memalukan~
rase lawak pon ader bace komen minah aleyssa ni. bnyk btol ragam manusia.
menggembirakan aku membace post ini.
thanks magenta.
hahhaa.. who the hell is this aleyssa. Aku serious tak rasa ini budak buat medic kat UK sebab aku yg belajar medic uk ni for the past 5 years tak pernah berfikiran macam ini. Same goes to my friends from other unis. Almost everyone doing medicine here would feel study oversea in kadang overrated je weh.
what a moron si aleyssa. confirm kau ni tak masuk uni sebenarnye. mcm org tak sekolah
hope there will be an accident during colonoscopy for her.
jangan arrogant kalo dpt study oversea, tp jgn ada inferiority complex kalo study local, sampai asek nak bersangka buruk n mencarik fault org yg study oversea (eg membazir duit kerajaan, gaji xde lah tinggi mana bla bla). like so many times the point is made, same je study mana2 pon
"saya tak perlukan nasihat daripada awak...saya berdoa kepada tuhan saya tak akan jadi macam awak...BODOH sombong..."
Tuhan nak dengar ke doa orang yang bercakap secara kasar dengan orang lain?
aleyssa,ko ni..apakah?
result SPM,ak yakin,salah satu result pnting dlm idop ko..
tp,kata2 ko sbb result SPM ko bagus,ko tkkn dpt blaja overc cm skrg ni..hahaha..ko silap..sgt silap..
ak dak medic gk..dan rmi jmpa dak medic prasan bes..ak sbg bdk medic..rasa sgt malu dn bodo ok sbb ada bdk medic cm tu..
ko jgn ingt ko besar coz amik kos yg konon2nya paling besar dan hebat yg leh diimpikan utk org2 yg konon2 bagus la result SPM..
dan,ak mmg simpati la kalo ko smpi skrg ttp rasa bsr..ko ckp cmtu..sbb ko rasa ko sgt besar dan hebat..sangat!!!
ntah ape2 ntah minah aleyssa ni..
nape bdk overc tajaan gomen kne kutuk ni.. :'(
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