1. Keputusan SPM bukan penentu masa depan.
2. Most people end up working in a field totally unrelated to what they were studying in university.
3. Apply for a course that you don’t dislike. Notice that I used the word don’t dislike. Not like, not really like, not love. Because when you’re 30 and working, you’ll realise you’ve wasted half your life doing something that makes you miserable.
4. Jangan memilih jurusan seperti doktor, kejuruteraan atau undang-undang semata-mata kerana ibu bapa suruh atau kerana kamu rasakan akan ada peluang pekerjaan yang banyak apabila habis belajar nanti. You’ll only make yourself miserable, and when your parents are dead, you’ll be hit with the realization that not only you’ve wasted most of your life doing something you hate, but also it’s too late to turn back to become a lawyer because you’re an engineer now. Or vice versa.
5. Confidence is more important than anything else when it comes to getting what you want in life. A job, a guy, an apartment, anything lah.
6. Looks are the first thing that makes a guy approach a girl. But it’s the other things that make him stay.
7. Try not to start anything you can’t finish. Especially if you’re studying on a loan or a scholarship.
8. Now that I think about it, keputusan O- Levels, A-Levels, DSH, insert other weird acronyms here, pun bukan penentu masa hadapan.
9. Of course ramai orang handal dalam memaksa diri. Kamu boleh benci medicine tapi kayuh dan akhirnya graduate. Tapi kamu kemungkinan besar akan menjadi cepat tua dan bitter kerana tak jumpa keseronokan dalam apa yang kamu buat. Kamu paksa diri kamu tetapi tanpa passion, kamu tidak dapat perform yang terbaik.
10. Apa gunanya graduate pharmacy dengan pointer yang average atau rendah walhal kamu boleh graduate dari business dengan cemerlang kerana kamu tahu kamu boleh buat dan kamu memang berbakat dalam bidang itu. Jangan takut untuk mengejar cita-cita.
Think about it. Mungkin sekarang kamu fikir gaji kamu akan lagi lumayan jikalau kamu graduate dalam bidang kejuruteraan atau medicine. Tapi kalau pointer kamu rendah, adakah senang mendapat kerja? Cita-cita kamu pula menjadi photographer. Ibu bapa berkata, buat apa, ramai remaja sekarang bawak DSLR, mamat jual cendol kat tepi jalan pun reti amik gambar dan guna Photoshop. Tapi kamu tahu kamu berbakat dari orang lain. Bukan setakat adjust contrast dan brightness kasi nampak macam hantu pucong. Katalah kamu ambil broadcasting dalam bidang Media. Kemungkinan besar kamu boleh graduate dengan kepujian. Kalau kamu dah terbaik dalam kelas kamu, tentulah ada saja yang akan hire kamu.
11. Please have dreams that are realistic. Jangan mimpi untuk jadi penyanyi kalau suara sumbang. Jangan mimpi nak jadi pelakon kalau tak good looking dan tak kelakar. Jangan jangan jangan.
12. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up! Because when you’re 25, you’ll already start to wish you were younger.
13. Studying overseas is not as romantic as it sounds.
Yep, you nailed it.
Every single one of em.
Hehe. Well, we do tend to agree on most things kan? :)
Tido tido! Dah lewat ni.
Hei sy tgk pos saya yg panjang lebar dan banyak tu masih Cik Magenta simpan...muahaha...ingatkan dah hilang di alam siber.
Bukan senang tahu nak tulis mcm sy buat tu...mana ada orang lain yang bagi pendapat dan pandangan mcm akrib? hehehe.. admit it lah Cik Magenta..lain dari yang lain tapi tepat dan tulus.
Ada setengah saya tak sempat simpan....mmm nasib baik ada lagi..
Kenapa pilih warna Magenta...?
Hahahaha Akrib, jangan perasan.
Kamu save apa kamu tulis dalam ruang komen saya? Wow. Kenapa tak buat blog je?
Magenta tu tajuk poem yang saya tulis masa saya 14 tahun.
dah tak kongsi dgn 47 rupanya.dulu,mcm boleh kill two birds with one stone.skrg kena buka dua blog.
tak apa,i'll read.
aye. spent my whole life telling other people i wanna study law because i wanna study law, as opposed to just because both my parents are lawyers. haih.
13. Studying overseas is not as romantic as it sounds.
Agreed =)
And thank you for making the effort to find my new blog =D
I will turn 19 in Dec and I am still undecided what I want to do in uni. So I decided I'm gonna take 8 months break in June and decide what I want to do and explore study and career options. Better waste 8 months than my whole life, I think laa.
nampaknya Magenta punya reader ramai gak dari golongan ni.heheh.
Mana ada prasan...Cik Magenta sendiri pernah acknowledgekan they are good.:)
Hmm buat blog sendiri...? Kalau buatpun mungkin hanya mengandungi komen2 kepada blog2 yg lain..saya save sebab kdg2 saya lupa apa yang telah ditulis kepada siapa..
Kerana takkan nak ulang tulis balek..lagipun komen2 saya adalah balasan kepada real issues yang dibangkitkan oleh pernulis2 blog.
My real mission adalah untuk menyelamatkan dunia..di mana ada kesedihan, dimana ada kekecewaan dimana ada kekeliruan..di situ ada Super Akrib untuk memberi analisis yang menenangkan jiwa....kira mcm cyber consciencelah.. hahaha.
Save the world in my spare time of course.. :)
boleh x i nk nangis baca post nih? *to be frank im a bit emotional kot* mcm amat kene dgn diri sendiri. nak je ckp kt budak2 skolah yg spm tuh xde amende pun tp nnt bunyi mcm tua sgt haha.
btw, when i first went abroad to study human nutrition semua org ingat i kurang bijak sbb xnak buat medic. tp i have my own reason. i know i can do well if i still choose to do medic. tp passion itu xada. initially mmg ok, tapi lama2 nanti rasa mcm kena paksa. well at least now im happy :-)
hales: Haha klik2 tu boleh jadi exercise untuk jari jemari. Mengelakkan mereka dari jadi short dan stubby.
iqa: You once mentioned you were a debate team punya captain or smtg right? Then you damn well should pursue law! Later in life, when I have legal issues, I can come to you kan. Heheh. Kasi diskaun tau.
fiza: No problem. I like your writings!
Yeah, I think breaks once in a while are healthy. Especially when you use that time to decide what you want to pursue for the next 30-40 years.
neem: Golongan apa? Golongan 'mungkinkah aku hampir/sudah terpilih jurusan yang salah' ke? Hehe.
akrib: Eh? Hahaha. Bak sini bukti ayat2 yang saya acknowledge macamtu.
"My real mission adalah untuk menyelamatkan dunia..di mana ada kesedihan, dimana ada kekecewaan dimana ada kekeliruan..di situ ada Super Akrib untuk memberi analisis yang menenangkan jiwa.."
-Kerja kat Suicide Hotline ke? Jangan, nanti semua pemanggil bunuh diri.
sky: Haha sky, if they call you old, I must be a Makcik kot. Eh wait, I am going to be one soon. Yay.
I'm glad you realized what you wanted to do awal2. The brightest minds don't always end up doing medic as people would like to believe. In fact, I once read ada research yang mengatakan criminals yang pernah buat time in jail are in the top 5 list dalam 'profession' yang ada org2 berIQ paling tinggi. It's funny, but it kinda makes sense.
yes indeed. Studying overseas is not as romantic as it sounds.
Tapi kalau boleh bawa semua kawan2 from your hometown, your gf/bf, mungkin boleh jadi menarik. Have a life together if u know what i mean.
Like what Fiza said, meng-iya-kan u. Most of Malaysian yang ada dekat melbourne ni semuanya bogus.
i'm 17!so gud to know that!
Wow. If you look under "dense" and "delusional" in the dictionary you may see a picture of akrib there.
I know I was brought up dgn larangan keras berdebat dgn orang bodoh (which is why I malas nak reply his last comment on the language issue in the other blog) but I simply cannot let his perasan statement go by without taking a shot at it. Too irresistable!
He doesn't even get half of my points or yours in the entry and constantly debate on the wrong issues. He misconstrues almost everything said in English (and even Malay,sometimes!) and simply doesn't get sarcasm. In fact, the reason why he probably thinks you think he's a good "analyst" is because he's suffering from SARCHASM - the wide gap of space and time before one actually gains the intelligence to understand sarcasm.
Oh yeah, from what we can see on how he views himself, he probably even once went by the self-indulgent nick "penganalisis".
I know someone said in regards to my current "condition" I shouldn't be mean to human being or animals but I don't really regard anyone with half a brain as a complete human.
And oh, for anyone about to whine about how mean and self-righteous I am - boo hoo! Hahaha.
kalau saya, saya lebih kepada nak jadi multi-telented multilingual knowledgeable savant daripada teruskan satu bidang yang saya suka sahaja.
contohnya, saya suka fotografi, suka juga buat lagu, suka susunan lagu2 klasikal. tapi kalau nak teruskan pelajaran dalam jurusan tu macam tak berapa berbaloi. pasal benda tu, sendiri boleh buat/belajar semasa waktu lapang.
kalau kejuruteraan kimia, susah nak belajar sendiri. memerlukan tumpuan yang lebih serta orang yang pakar(pensyarah) untuk ajar.
yang nombor satu, magenta-san(can i call you 'kak'? rasa tak sopan) patut cakap kat kawan-kawan saya. or more like x-schoolmatessss saya.
masa spm berjaga sampai pukul 3,4.
sebelum masuk dewan pun bukak buku lagi.
gila lah budak-budak zaman sekarang(haha look who's talking).
'...semua org ingat i kurang bijak sbb xnak buat medic'
dulu mak saya suruh jadi dentist macam doktor ortodontik saya sebab dapat banyak duit dan boleh tutup klinik bila-bila masa.
Haish. nasib baik mak kasi amik kejuruteraan.
ape ni cik magenta..ada fanatik di atas tu ke sini juge....kat sinipun nak melepaskan geram..tak sedap betul..saya ingat aman kite d sini..nmpknya sayapun ada cyber stalker...Ok lah, sudah tiba untuk kita berpisah...d siber space yg luas tapi semakin sempit karena ade org yg tak bleh trima kritikan. Sy mmg tak berniat untuk mencacatkan blog Cik Magenta yg aman dan indah ini..
Sepatutnya penulis blog menghormati permintaan Cik M untuk melupakan Lecifer Mercer.... out of topic comment tak sepatutnya diberi.. yg dah lepas tu lepas. Second thought dont count. Winner takes it all...hahaha. mmmm mcm abba pule.. :)
May Cik Magenta b happy slalu..."namun takkan mudah bagiku melupakan jejak ku yg terukir abadi sebgai kenangan terindah"..Samsons
err. pening! hehe..
i couldnt help but laugh when i read akrib's comment *yg ada lagu samsons*
:-D xde kena-mengena dgn i tapi saja nk bagitau jugak
Akrib- First of all: good riddance to bad rubbish! Haha. (look it up in online English dictionary if you don't understand what it mean).But I have a feeling warts like akrib are hard to get rid of.
Secondly: cyber stalker? Referring to yourself ke? I have been visiting this blog since it was first set up (and before it was transferred to Blogger). You, on the other hand, just figured out magenta is a colour. Good to know you're finally reading dictionaries! By the way, "Cik Magenta" did not use the nick because of the colour.
By the way, it's "Merces Letifer". What in the world is Lecifer Mercer anyway?
And lastly, Magenta: do you have any idea why akrib might think you're a fan of his pseudo-intellectual "analysis"? Heh.
dewan rakyat? *makan popcorn*
cant u read between the lines? akrib is hitting magenta!
magenta ur juz a stupid blogger with no sex lives...x payahla awak nak perasan pandai sebab ade orang komen dekat blog awak yang bodoh nie...mesti awak perasan awak pandai giler kan...tu yang sampai nak bagi nasihat lagi kat orang lain...padahal mesti awak tu surirumah yang tak masuk U pon...pastu nak nasihat orang utk jangan stadi overc pulak...entah2 awak ni spm pun kantoi dulu...tu yang awak boleh cakap spm tu tak penting...
mana bole spm tak penting...kalau bukan sebab keputusan spm saya...tak mungkin saya tak dapat stadi overc...buat medik...jauh lebey bagus dari orang macam awak yang x ade kerja...dok umah blogging je...
huhu.kelakar bace komen dak kecik yg ckp stupid blogger with no sex life..nape nye? kalo nk jd blogger yg cerdik kne citer pasal sex life gak ke? ni la namanya variasi. Tuhan jdkan org bervariasi. cik aleeya, awk tu pikir lain, org pon pikir lain. cik M nk bg pandangan dia je. so we talk about it. SPM aku dlu pon bagus, dpt tawaran wat Medic kat oversea, tp aku xg..nape yek? nk kata aku bodo jugak? maybe..tp aku ade pilihan aku sendiri..toin toin toin~
farizzet - Haha! Mmg nampak obvious tapi I tak berani nak cakap kang boyfriend magenta marah :P
aleyssa - i'm assuming you're a first-time visitor because you're not aware magenta achieved excellent results for her SPM and A-Levels, and also pursued engineering at the world's top university for her course. I think her advice is very much based on experience.
chill aleyssa.. tak baik burukkan org tak usul periksa.. baik ko argue pasal posting dia..
I thought this was a fairly controversial-free post. Guess I was wrong. Haha.
anon #1: You'll find a fair share of bogus Malaysians practically everywhere you go.
anon #2: :)
Bovril: I'm still trying to figure out if he's for real. I'd like to be optimistic and think it's all an act to make others laugh but..haha.
Hey thanks for backing me up although I doubt the word excellent can be used to describe my results considering kids are getting 20A1s nowadays. But that's all a story of the past now.
takahara: Bagi sesetgh orang, mereka tak perlu berguru untuk belajar kejuruteraan dan benda itu dianggap hobi. Mereka hanya perlu set up workshop dalam bilik di mana mereka boleh psg litar (mgkn mereka telah dikurniakan dgn minda yang senang memahami litar) namun perlu berguru apabila belajar bermain gitar dan mengambil gambar. Terpulang kepada keupayaan masing2.
Yes, you may call me Kak if it's makes you more comfortable. :)
akrib: Apa2 pun, kamu berjaya buat saya ketawa berdekah-dekah.
pakali: Kenapa pening? Haha. Err.. budak tu..baru nak 'naik' kot.
sky: You're not the only one. Hehe.
farizzet: Hahaha rasanya akrib ni jenis comment macamtu kat semua blog kot.
aleyssa: So, why are you reading my 'stupid blog'? Go cure cancer.
anon #3: Haha. Aku rasa dia tu budak scholar yang baru 2 bulan fly dan dok 'overc' pastu nak belagak.
Mag - During your time kira excellent la kan.
And yeah, it's hard to believe that ada ppl who are vain/perasan enough to think that some hard thinking was required to write the kind of empty "analyses" he did. Many times I was tempted to point out his statements langsung takde fakta and completely missed the point and so many other commenters (hali munan, chen) wrote better comments with VALID FACTS but this fella has the cheek to think the poppycock he churned out was a rare gem! Hahaha. Also heran why he never got your sarcastic comments (abt the suicide hotline, etc)
In relevance to your post, although I am living proof to more than half your points, I do think that one day I'll leave this job I love to pursue something I love less (like lecturing) just because it promises a five-figure salary, which I feel I would need to survive rising inflation and the kids in tow(a Prof we know told me Profs can earn up to 18k. Makes you wonder).
Aah, i geddit.
thanks for that :)
and alyssa; to me, pre-marriage sexual intercourse is cheap.
darn cheap.
if you're that a genius i suppose you know the consequences of random sexual intercourses? Plus, you're majoring in medic.
ni yang nak marah ni.
jap, let me get some popcorn.
wah magenta, this is getting hotter eh?
ditto to all of your points.
kepada aleyssa, kalau awak nak serang saya, saya mengaku saya takde sex life dan keputusan spm saya tak bagus, supaya awak tak payah repeat point awak lagi.
magenta boleh cakap german, awak boleh?
sekian, danke schon.
7. Try not to start anything you can’t finish. Especially if you’re studying on a loan or a scholarship.
explain more?
magenta magenta u gotta help meeeeee.
im taking up a levels (4 subjects - physics chem maths further maths - under scholarship syarikat minyak nasional kita yg logonya berwarna hijau..hehe over pulak)
do you have any useful, unique ( not the usual "do your past year questions and memorise every definiton" crap)advice on how im gonna ace chemistry? im starting to hate it even more everyday..
if i x lepas the cut-off point (which is BBB for AS/A2), i won't be able to fly..im not dying to go abroad just for the sake of 'GOING' abroad but i really wanna study at a good university so please, if you have anything that could be considerably helpful, i really really appreciate it.
thanks in advance =)
"magenta ur juz a stupid blogger with no sex lives...x payahla awak nak perasan pandai sebab ade orang komen dekat blog awak yang bodoh nie...mesti awak perasan awak pandai giler kan...tu yang sampai nak bagi nasihat lagi kat orang lain...padahal mesti awak tu surirumah yang tak masuk U pon...pastu nak nasihat orang utk jangan stadi overc pulak...entah2 awak ni spm pun kantoi dulu...tu yang awak boleh cakap spm tu tak penting...
mana bole spm tak penting...kalau bukan sebab keputusan spm saya...tak mungkin saya tak dapat stadi overc...buat medik...jauh lebey bagus dari orang macam awak yang x ade kerja...dok umah blogging je..."
-komen yg bagi aku, sumpah mcm percakapan budak sekolah. aku agak2, dia ni form 2. hmm. pastu perasan buat medic kan. ewwww. geli. ko ni memalukan org2 yg aku kenal yg bernama alyssa la.
alyyssa ni dpt stadi overc ke tak dpt? sumorang ckp mcm dia dpt stadi overc tapi dia tulis dia tak dpt. lagipun dia tak tulis mcm seorang budak medic..ayat dia mcm org frust result spm tak best je..satu lg kenapa dia galakkan seks rambang..tak takut dpt s.t.d ke..
Eh alah tetiba kena puji pula komen saya. Now I must feign embarrassment. Malam ni dah tak boleh tidur dah. ;P
I'd ask how a "fairly controversial-free post" got skewed to your sex life, but them trolls must subscribe to House's theory that everything comes back to sex. These wannabes have got all of his asshole-ish qualities and none of his charm or intelligence. We should feel grateful for the existence of such creatures; they remind us of how good we have it.
Coming back to the post, I picked a course I love, and still wonder everyday if I made the right choice. Sometimes I'd even wish my parents had forced me to do one of the 'safe' disciplines e.g. law or accounting, both of which I honestly do not dislike. Entahlah. Degree Creative Writing saya semacam tidak bernilai. :/
But I've made my bed, so I'll lie in it, and make the best I possibly can with it.
I am in a hurry to grow up! Geram sekali bila bertemu dengan kenalan baru dan diorang salah faham ingat saya lagi berumur lima belas tahun. I'll appreciate my baby face when I'm 40, but not now! It can't possibly be that bad to just wish I could skip all this and go right to my 30s.
Sheesh, digress berlebih-lebih. I've got the attention span of a gnat oh look a rainbow! *disappears*
Bovril: Hahaha you just made me look up the word poppycock in the online dictionary. Poppycock. Cool word. Gonna start using it soon.
takahara: Aleyssa likes talking poppycock.
47: Out of her ass? Or out of her As? Her 1000As? Haha.
nurul: Buttered salt popcorn? Pass me some.
I think she'd batalkan all her hajat to attack you after visiting you blog if she knows what's good for her. Apalah sangat her meagre SPM results tu untuk compare to someone who's getting actually getting paid for a job. In pound sterling.
zureen: If you quit halfway, you have to pay back.
Err. I'm not sure I'm the right person to answer this, I did it a few yrs ago. I'm not even sure they still have it in the same format.I did chem and further chem but I really think that doing past years is the best advice I can give you. And I'd advise you to hafal the answers from the past years, not just the
Score your Chem 1 and Chem 2. Kalau boleh, full marks. They're the easiest. So even if your Chem 4&5 suck, Chem 1&2 will pull your grades up. Chem 4&5 susah jugak, so make twice the effort for them. Chem 3&6 basically depends on lab and luck, so just try to cram everything. Good luck!
anon#4: Kadang2 aku pun tertanya2 dia ni budak medik ke.
anti-hero: Hahaha aku baru perasan dia tulis tak dapat! Thanks for pointing that out to me.
chen: Hahaha yeah. Ughh accounting. Most accounting majors I know ended up doing a different major right after they finished with accounting or work in a totally different field after they finished their degree.
People think you're 15? Hahaha consider it a blessing. Remember Nicole Kidman? Heheh.
Hahaha hey, if getting distracted is a problem for you, you could be write something called 'Book-a-30- seconds' for people like you and me. Now there's an idea for your creative writing. :p
Hmmm...ape yg dah terjadi kat blog awak ni Cik M....mcm2 teori dah keluar..ada yg jeles..ada yg kata saya hitting on Cik M la..emmm kalau ye pun..itu tak menjadi kesalahan.. ok kan Cik M? tapi mane ade???
Ini hanya intellectual discourse antara two similar minds who happen to respect each other dan hanya bergurau senda..! Saya mmg tak berniat utk hadir lagi, tapi dua tiga hari ni masa makan..ada mcm tersedak pula...rupanya masih disebut2..
"Semua terjadi begitu saja
Tak ada serius antara dia dan aku
Tidak ada cinta dan tak ada hati
Hanya karena aku lelaki dan dia wanita"....Dewa
Betul tak Cik M? Hmmm kalau nak dgr versi acoustic saya sila la ke u tube..
Jgn lepas ni ada lagi yg salah faham niat suci saya....terutama org yg suka mendabik buah dada, dia saje yg betul…mmm ini ke yg buat dia stalk saya…?
A bit late at joining this discussion but just wanted to add a wee bit to 7 (if I may):
Beware of scholarships. Especially those that require you to sign with blood and they get to keep your soul.
You just never know when you might want it back.
If you're a free spirit and a free agent, perhaps a loan is better in the long run. That way they're only leasing your soul, with an option to buy, should you feel your soul is worth giving up at the end of the day.
3 out of 5posts that u wrote end up jadi controversial. tapi best untuk dibaca. *skrg baca comment lagi best * padahal u tulis benda yg u rasa je. ppl who read blogs shouldnt take anything too seriouslylaa. tapi i think alyssa tuh mesti budak2 lagi, yang spm result hari tuh xberapa elok so die frust.
1 comment jahat.....10 comment lagi jahat reply balik+1 entry....sayang korang kat alyssa
akrib: I'm still laughing.
hali munan: Hey, your nick is linkable! Are you gonna start writing a blog anytime soon?
Agree. Wholeheartedly. Sadly, most 17 year olds never realize they are selling away their souls when they sign those contracts.
sky: Haha. I've never laughed so hard reading comments since I started blogging. Akrib ni ada bakat nak jadi comedian la.
erm: Haha sayanggg, mana boleh tak sayang. Bakal doktor tuh.
"Score your Chem 1 and Chem 2. Kalau boleh, full marks. They're the easiest. So even if your Chem 4&5 suck, Chem 1&2 will pull your grades up. Chem 4&5 susah jugak, so make twice the effort for them. Chem 3&6 basically depends on lab and luck, so just try to cram everything. Good luck!"
Woh, that's a pain in the arse.
tapi demi kimia, aku sanggup!
thanks magenta. my AS Mock exam for chem this morning was kinda bad. organic chem semua dah mix up.
starting to agree with your points..skrg pon i dah wonder, kenapalaaa aku ambik science
takahara: LOL. Sebenarnya 3 je, tapi I took further Chem, tu yg jadi 6. Tapi rasa macam bazir jugak cause I never took up Chem in university. Chem lepas SPM is a bit different, ada organic-, inorganic-, physical- and biochemistry (and a few more that I don't remember). You will either lagi suka or lagi benci. Haha. Pray that you'll like it more.
zureen: It's normal to feel like that sebelum A-Levels. But it's not all that bad. Lepas fly nanti with your coursemates you'll feel more relaxed. Unless you tercampak dekat tempat asing where you're the only Asian la. Haha. But I doubt that'll happen.
:) :) :)..... memang kalau saya menulis... its always with a big smile.. most girls kata bab yg mereka suka adalah mata saya...sincerity and kindness shine through them...:) :) :).
Sky: Awakpun peminat lagu samson juge ke..? Kire ok jugela diaorg ni tak yah susah2 nak jadi romantis. Siapa kata BM tak boleh mengghairahkan..:)
Cik M: Tahu knp tak, awak tak pernah kena hit on...sebelumnile, walaupun ramai org di alam siber ni? Saya agak sebab ramai lelaki gay..so mane ada minat nak hit on awak. Kalau tak pun, terlampau macho dan tak reti nak menilai pompuan dari budi bahasa... ehem ehem.
Kira Cik Magenta ni break rekod juge le. Kena hit on hanya dgn kata2 tanpe letak gambar...lol..mmm ada mane2 kat myspace?
Magenta: Not anytime soon. A lot more growing up to do. For the time being though, I'm happy just being a reader :). I leave the writing to the more capable.
I guess google finally decided to link my nick to my gmail account. Captchas good riddance?
akrib is getting creepier by the day.
akrib: The saying flattery will get you everywhere doesn't work on this blog. Haha. Kamu ni mengingatkan saya kepada seseorang..You wouldn't happen to also go by the nick lastword, would you?
hali munan: What a pity! I was looking forward to reading your blog.
CAPTCHA? Haha, what are you majoring in man? I've only heard it being referred to as 'the squigglies' and 'that thing used to prevent spam'!
zureen: Hahaha. He sounds too comical to be real.
mungkin sebab pada usia 17 sendiri tahu spm bukan penentu masa depan jadi tak pernah tumpu perhatian yang serius pada study(bukan contoh yang baik)..
kebijaksanaan seseorang terlalu luas untuk diukur hanya pada sijil dan kelulusan.
buktinya ramai mereka yang ada kelulusan tinggi masih lagi bodoh bangang dan contoh banyak ada dalam media arus perdana.
melalut pulak.
sebenarnya my main point is,sepenuhnya bersetuju dengan apa yang ditulis.
Muahaha...Cik Magenta awak memang pompuan pintar...akrib = lastword? Hmmm...mcm mana Cik M boleh datang ke konklusi begitu? Sebelum saya nafi atau akui kebenarannya biar saya senaraikan.
Setelah saya google lastword saya dapati...
1. di blosgsphere ni, lastword hanya terdapat di satu blog saja.
2. akrib guna BM, lastword guna BI
3. Cik M commented sekali pada lastword tapi tak jawap soalan lastword
4. akrib comical...lastword hmmm tak tahu nak describe... fun?
5. akrib fantasise pasal Cik M pakai kain batek, lastword like mini skirt
6. lastword provoke Cik M
7. akrib flatter Cik M
Jadi mcm mana Cik M sampai konklusi tu ye...
Ini bukan flattery..saya akui Cik Magenta memang smartla.. kuat ingatan...this time u really surprise me make me smile. (di samakan with the great wit lastword..:))
BTW...kalau flattery wont get me anywhere... how do I get 2 where I want to go?... :) Bagi la tahu..takla kita meraba-raba dalam kegelapan...
I'm the 50th commenter/commentator/commentor!
OMG, akrib is like, so creepy.
I'm the 52nd commenter!
Hmmm.. saya rasa sumbangan saya di sini sudah selesai. Magenta mempunyai ramai peminat yg sayang dan protective padanya. Tak perlu risau, kumpulan blogger dia ramai yg supportive. Saya rasa mcm stranger pule..memangpun :)
Pernahkan kita membuat baby ketawa begitu happy sekali. Mmmm macam tulah rasanya bila gurauan kite diterima...
"sky said...
i couldnt help but laugh when i read akrib's comment *yg ada lagu samsons*
:-D xde kena-mengena dgn i tapi saja nk bagitau jugak"
"sky: Haha. I've never laughed so hard reading comments since I started blogging. Akrib ni ada bakat nak jadi comedian la"
"akrib: Apa2 pun, kamu berjaya buat saya ketawa berdekah-dekah."
Memberi komen di sini membuat saya terfikir bukankah lebih baik jika menulis something yg feel good.
Its nice to share the laughter...dan bergurau dgn Magenta walaupun dengan 10,000 people watching. Dalam BM pule tu..a lost art...
Apa2 pun, peminat2 muda Cik Magenta ada yg berasa protective dgn usikan pada Cik M....hehehe..tu la dik2 zureen, yoursister ooi...bila seorang perempuan di belai manja dan digurausendakan...
Cari lah lelaki yg boleh membuat anda ketawa dan senyum riang... hidup lebih bermakna..dunia bagai syurga.
Satula komplen saya.. Cik Magenta pun pandai mengelak soalan ye...bye
Hahaha this reminds me of the sites yang ada comment 'First!'. I'm the 54th commenter yay!
Err. Akrib/lastword. Soalan saya pun kamu elak.
Mane ada elak..cuma tak confirmkan saja. Ok..sebelum saya jawap..saya nak tanya 2 soalan.
1.do you like lastword posting ke tidak? Or sekurang2nya find him different.
2. Mcm mana Magenta boleh kaitkan posting lastword yang lama2 tu yg dlm BI dengan posting akrib yang baru ni?
Lepas tu boleh tak saya jawap in private...
Sebab I trust you to be smarter than you pretend, saya tahu awak sebenarnya tak bebal dan pandai berbahasa Inggeris. Awak sedar tak, we leave traces of our identities when we write. Dan saya tahu kalau google sekalipun takkan keluar nickname lastword itu dalam 100 search yang pertama.
You're different alright. It boggles me why you'd go through such measures and assume different identities just to post comments on someone's blog.
Email saya ada di profile.
I just read your blog today and it really opened my eyes in some ways. Thank you ;)
-keep being yourself
ps: I wear watch on right wrist too. I'm not a leftie (actually I'm a rightie-&-leftie wannabe)I don't know why I'm telling you this X(
best regards [",]
betul la...
kdg2 kita rase kita salah ambil jurusan masa kt uni.
ape2 pon..kita yg rase macam-nak-patah-balik-masa-dan-buat-ape-yg-kita-nak...jgn sesekali menyesal
....masih belum terlambat kalau kita nak mula balik
im 23 now and wish im younger now haha
kalau impian ibu yang nakkan i ke luar negara? what would you do in my shoes?
Kudos for saying everythg outloud...my only regret is to stumble upon ur blog a little too late....wish i knew of it sooner....
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