Thursday, April 10, 2008


Dia kata aku tak ada sex life. Memang aku tak ada. I don’t need one. Aku ada banyak kawan dari pelbagai bangsa dan agama yang berkawan dengan aku sebab aku, dan bukan kerana sex life aku. Cina. India. Gadis Eropah yang hot. Lelaki Eropah yang kacak. Gadis Korea. Gadis-gadis Damansara yang dikatakan ‘scene’. Gadis-gadis yang apabila orang seperti dia tengok, akan berkata,

"Pergh! Kalah artis siot."

Aku tak perlu pergi clubbing untuk mendapat kawan-kawan sebegitu.
Mungkin dia hanya pergi clubbing semata-mata kerana ingin mendapat seorang teman wanita seperti kawan-kawan aku.

I don’t need to change my values to be friends with anyone. Dan mereka tak pernah menyuruh aku untuk mengubah values aku. They respect me and my decisions, walaupun it took time adjusting since I decided to make a 360 degrees change in the past few years. Orang yang judge aku hanyalah mereka yang judgemental.

Aku tak perlu tulis pasal seks dalam blog aku. Sebab ianya hanya cakap kosong daripada seseorang yang tidak berpengalaman walaupun sudah dengar macam-macam cerita. Someone else’s story. Aku tak pernah menjejakkan kaki ke dalam disko walaupun membesar di Damansara dan pernah mendiami apartment di atas pub yang sering menjadi host kepada parti-parti liar yang mengupah strippers dari seberang jalan. Selama 2 tahun aku tinggal bersebelahan dengan the red light district. Tak perlu pergi Amsterdam. Aku hanya perlu keluar rumah.

Aku mungkin pernah nampak lebih banyak gelagat manusia yang lucu ketika mabuk dari kamu. Masa Oktoberfest. Masa Fasching. Aku pernah berada di negara di mana mereka minum bir sebagai sarapan pagi. Mereka minum bir macam air.

Dia mungkin ingin bertukar tempat dengan aku.
Di musim summer, gadis-gadis yang cantik suka berbasikal depan rumah lama aku. Topless. Di sana ada FKK- Frei Korper Kultur (ala-ala nudist colony). Beli suratkhabar 50 sen dah boleh nampak gambar perempuan bogel. Parti mingguan di Universiti aku kadang-kadang menghire strippers juga.

Aku tak pernah pergi FKK. Pergi gim pun dah ramai perempuan bogel mandi bersama-sama.

Aku tahu ada yang takkan faham. Sebab mereka mengidam-idam untuk menjadi sebahagian daripada hidup seperti itu. Aku pula, tak kisah. Kadang-kadang aku rasa lonely di sana. Ada lelaki yang mengajak aku keluar, tetapi hanya 3-4 yang benar-benar mahu berkawan. Kalau bukan kerana passion aku tentang sesuatu subjek, tak mungkin aku ada banyak persamaan dengan sesiapa.
I found that to be true almost everywhere, even in my motherland. But I know there are others who share similar experiences as me and truly understand the meaning of sticking to your own values, opinions and choices.

Ini keputusan aku. Untuk menjalani hidup seperti ini. Maybe only those who have the privilege of choosing will truly appreciate having choices.

Jadi, kamu faham kenapa aku tak mungkin akan tulis pasal sex dalam blog ini, kan?

Schadenfreude. Tak ada terjemahan tepat untuk perkataan itu dalam Bahasa Inggeris yang mengandungi 300,000 patah perkataan dalam kata kosanya.


Anonymous said...

owh owh, teach me german!


Jantan Gatal mane tu? Saya ingatkan Budak Medik Yang Duduk UK tu.

Ingrid Dients said...

Ironically, no one single English word translates it correctly. I've always translated it as the common "delight in the misfortune of others". But I think schadenfreude is increasingly used in English conversations la now. I don't know abt others..but my friends and I use it. Maybe it's because they read a lot of Indonesian literature kot yg as we know loves to incorporate foreign words without guilt.

And hey, no need to dedicate 3 posts to a person whose maturity level has yet to enable him/her to formulate logical opinions. As we know, there are some people who just don't get it, no matter how clearly you illustrate it to them.

And btw, it's kosa kata lah. Haha.

p/s: Hi Amy! Great to hear your thoughts here.

Anonymous said...

i think... even though there's no malay word for schadenfreude, hell there's no english word for it as well, ada watak melayu terkenal yang boleh dijadikan contoh schadenfreude. PAK PANDIR! :D kealpaan serta keburukannya menjadi hiburan kepada orang lain.

...even though sometimes he becomes a burden as well. :P

anakabah said...

Schadenfreude = Pongget. Jigong pun boleh digunakan.

Identity is a conundrum, kan?

Anonymous said...

alololo emosinya....write more about kawan2 yang kalah artis tu....bleh pilih cam catalog...NO? hahaha

Idlan said...

Tanpa seks, aku pasti lebih kerap ke sini.

Can't say much for everyone else though, haha.

Siberkop said...

Kadang2 aku rasa sex dah jadi overrated.

Org yg berbangga2 dgnnya(lagi2 kalau buat di luar nikah) perlu sedar mereka lebih banyak undang keburukan dari kebaikan.

Kalau masih percaya pada agama, fikirlah.

Anonymous said...

magenta belajar kat Germany eh... =p

and yeah, sex life isn't everything. that was her FIRST line dalam comment dia. that was the first thing she thought about masa comment on you. eee hornynya A*****a tu! medic studnet mmg mcmtu ke? haha.

"Ini keputusan aku. Untuk menjalani hidup seperti ini. Maybe only those who have the privilege of choosing will truly appreciate having choices."

i second you. kalau ada org yg life dia pre-ordained oleh parents, mesti sucky kan kan.

magenta said...

takahara: It would take years. :)

Dan, semua jantan gatal. Haha.

bovril: Yupe. I just wiki-ed it. Apparently, it's a loanword now.

Make sure you pronounce it right when you're using it. Sha-den-froi-de. Not sha-den-friu-de.

Haha and no, I wasn't writing about Aleyssa (who I think is secretly enjoying all the attention) in this post. Thanks for pointing out the kosa kata error. Sometimes I swear my thoughts are dyslexic.

chen: Hahaha you use words like kealpaan but you didn't know what the banana balls were! I love Pak Pandir stories (nostalgic). Some of them weren't so famous but they were the best ones.

AKAB: Tadi, aku google Pongget. Result ke-3 yang aku dapat adalah:

"...kaitan angka 6, persoalan-persoalan pokok seperti benarkah Ahmad Kamal Abu Bakar seorang jantan pongget ..."

dari entri Trankuiliti Tronoh.

Yes, it is.

erm: Kawan-kawan aku takkan melayan lelaki yang mengeluarkan ayat atau menaip seperti itu. Haha.

idlan: Hahaha. Good to know.

siberkop: Aha. Teratorian berkunjung lagi.

zureen: Haha I think she was referring to the line that goes something like, 80% of Malaysian bloggers are bored housewives with no sex lives. But no, I wasn't thinking of her in this post.

Belajar? Tak lah, jual roti jala. Tak percaya, refer to my old post.

Anonymous said...

do you by any chance know someone by the name syukran? study germany, drop out after world cup

tak layan eh?
bagus,perempuan cun mmg patut jual mahal

iqanabeera said...

hmm. there are lots of girls my age who brag about their sex lives on a daily basis.

frankly, i don't mind. i'm no saint myself. but i don't see what's so great about telling everyone that your moral compass doesn't exactly point due north.

but like u said, it's the privilege of choosing.

so i won't be judgemental of their prosmiscuity just because i chose not to be so.

Anonymous said...

*blush* Can I blame our education system for this? They injected the big words in us to score As for SPM. Terminology for seemingly insignificant things like food are hence left out. Tapi bila nak promote tourism industry, first thing they highlight is our food. Pfft.

NeemoNeemo™ said...

Sex life is a trend.

and people like us don't fuggin follow trends. We do what we wanna do.

uranus said...

sex good to burn the calories..hahahah

magenta said...

erm: Hmm. Tak kenal.

Correction: Semua perempuan yang ada harga diri tak akan melayan laki yang mahu memilih mereka macam katalog. Haha.

iqa: Yeah, it's never a good idea to be judgemental. I noticed orang yang judgemental always end up with kids yang grow up to be just like the people they kutuk.

chen: Hahah. Well at least now you know what the banana balls are called.

neem: Right on!

nurulazreenazlan said...

i went to munich juuuuust after oktoberfest last year =)

the beer hall was impressive! very nice space indeed =)

apparently the course i took at the bartlett was infamous for the scandals, must say that my batch was very well behaved indeed, people only slept with their respective partners. no sleeping around with tutors during my time there, hehe =)

Ingrid Dients said...

maneder org sebut ade? anyway it's always been pronounced froi-de from ppl I hear using it la. Come to think of it org yg tak penah guna the word/ckp german ada possibility gak pronounce friu-de. Just didnt cross my mind before. Anyway they should have a word for it in malay cos it's a very common sikap/feeling among the.....(dare I finish the sentence?):P

magenta said...

nurul: You went to Munich? Did you visit the Cinderella castle (Neuschwanstein Schloss)? Truly a sight to behold.

You were studying in Barlett? That's the top Uni in UK for your course, isn't it? Tis your luck at that time to get such coursemates then! Hehe.

bovril: Haha I think ada kot. Since I used to say things like Piskez dan Lankam. And douBt.

Haha don't say it. Some people don't get sindiran, you know.

Ingrid Dients said...

Eh...dia bukan pronounced Lan-kam eh? hahaha

broken_nigina said...

hanya kerana kita menghargai diri sendiri,tak bermakna itu satu pengumuman tentang baiknya kita.
tapi selalunya disalah erti,ditafsir konon "ala,macam bagus,hipokrit,nak tunjuk baik,golongan assalamualaikum ahli syurga bla bla.."